
This service will be decommissioned on the 1st August 2024.

Real-world evidence (RWE) Navigator

With the increased availability of data, developments in analytical approaches and study designs and the emergence of adaptive pathways for the licensing and reimbursement, there has been growing interest in the use of real-world data in the development of new medicines.

The Real-world evidence (RWE) Navigator:

  • Is an educational resource: helping users to find out more about the potential issues in demonstrating the relative effectiveness of new medicines (‘effectiveness issues’).
  • Provides guidance: guiding users to specific types of analyses or study designs using RWE to support the development of medicines.
  • Is a directory of resources: a comprehensive resource on the use of RWE in evaluation of medicines, signposting to outputs from the GetReal projects and other authoritative sources of information on RWE.

Using the RWE Navigator will help you to understand the challenges in demonstrating the relative effectiveness of new medicines, and what part real-world evidence may play in overcoming these challenges. You will gain insights into the perspectives of different stakeholders on new study designs and analytical techniques, and you will be directed to authoritative sources if you want to find out more.

The RWE Navigator was developed by the GetReal project, a public-private partnership and part of the EU Innovative Medicines Initiative.